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The Méric farm, in the heart of Lauragais

à 15 minutes de Toulouse

5 minutes from the Montgiscard interchange, which is located 6 minutes from the Toulouse-Est toll booth, our house is very well located and will allow you to get away from the urban bustle…

The whole bedroom + bathroom and WC offers an independent space of more than 50 m2, all renovated in a modern style, but respecting the old stone.

Capture d’écran 2020-02-03 à 12.18.03.

Indeed, our house is very old, evidenced by the Roqueville stone, engraved in the 12th century in thanks to the protection against the plague epidemic that the Virgin brought to the inhabitants of the surrounding hillsides.

Low season (January February, March, October, November, December) / € 88 (breakfast: option + € 7 per traveler)

Medium season: (April, May, June, September) / 107 € ( breakfast: option + 7 € per traveler)

High season: (July, August): / € 126 ( breakfast: option + € 7 per traveler)

Capture d’écran 2020-01-22 à 14.29.13.
Capture d’écran 2020-01-22 à 14.29.03.
Capture d’écran 2020-01-22 à 14.29.23.

To make a reservation, please use the form below:

municipales2020 (1 sur 1).jpg
Demande de réservation ou d'informations
Combien serez-vous lors de votre séjour?
Combien de nuits souhaitez vous rester?
Souhaitez vous un petit déjeuner? (+7 €)
Quel sera votre horaire d'arrivée?

Merci pour votre envoi !

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